
We met Gabi in Rome last year as he took us on the Roman Market Food tour. Gabi is charming and his passion for food and for Rome comes through in the knowledge he shares. We had such a great time with him, that when we saw the opportunity to book an Online Cooking Class, we jumped at the chance. We invited four other friends to join the virtual class as Gabi walked us through preparing Pasta Alla Amatriciana. We all had varying levels of cooking skills, but the results for everyone tasted amazing, and we were all surprised at how well the online experience worked. The description says the class will introduce you to your new favorite dish, and it’s true: We’ve all made this pasta again at least once in the two weeks since we had the class. The other friends experienced what we had last year in Rome: Gabi’s warmth and humor made him feel like an old friend. And during this current time of isolation and worry, we can all use more friends. A great experience w/ a delicious result!